Originally Posted by randyist
I have a proposal for Mighty Rom. This proposal may cut down on impatient morons and rude comments as well. Perhaps Rico and Mighty can only make Mighty Rom available to those who put forth a donation via paypal. A username/password could then be sent to their paypal address.
The fee could be cited as a " Server Usage Fee" or just simply a "Courtesy Donation".
Don't take crap from impatient people
mocking: ."boohoo.. where is the rom.. " ..."waiting"... "tired" .. .
Who cares. This is the best rom for the Diamond, Period! Perfection takes time.
this sounds good. especially since rico's server crashed last night but i dont know if mike will wanna cause what the tp people started last night and when xboxmod made rhodium available with people complaining that they were selling it and that it was unfair. sounds completely fair to me. and i havent donated yet. dont get paid til friday
by they way been reading on the tp forum and it sounds good...
edit: by the way, rico offered this option to his donators last night and people starting bi***ing