Re: JD's G52x ROMs and Simple Axe Kitchen
Originally Posted by tom6433
well folks as i said above i downloaded the new kitchen and made a rom last night. everything working great but for some reason the volume buttons are not tied to teh volume anymore, they act like the up and down d-pad buttons. that would not normally be a big issue but i am at work and teh sound on my phone is jacked to like 100% still from last night. tapping on the system bar at teh top brings up the notification window and the volume cannot be adjusted from there. does anyone know of another way to adjust teh volume? i looked in teh sound settins but didn't see anything in there. help please. i get texts all day from my wife which is usually not a big deal but i don't need everyone in the office to know when i get a message. thanks.
are you using the HTC Volume control without the phone canvas .... if so there is your problem
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I