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Old 04-21-2009, 08:28 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

I installed Mighty5 on my Verizon TP this morning and I'm awestruck. This is amazing. I have the pagepool set to 12MB and figured I'd be reflashing just a few minutes later from out of memory, but when checking memory usage, it's sitting at just over 50% right after boot. Letting it sit idle for a couple hours it has only climbed to 61%. Amazingly well done and definitely a recommended ROM for us gimped Verizon users.
Originally Posted by hyperfire21 View Post
Is there a prob with quickgps? it wont open.

Also do we have to manually close the data connection each time or is there a timer which will turn it off?
If you manually turn off the data connection when it's not in use, then Winmo 6.5 should automatically turn it on when needed. Always has for me, and seems to be doing so with Mighty5 as well. QuickGPS never loads for me right after a fresh ROM install for some reason. After a couple synchs it loads fine and turns out it has usually grabbed updated files on its own. So if you never synch, it might be a problem, not sure.