Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
Mike, the MR5 Logo on the first page is so bright and lively...almost reminiscent of the spring time, I guess. Its kind of an interesting change from the dark logos typical of WM ROMs. I havent tried MR5 yet, nor have I any clue which splash screen you decided to go with...but Im sure it will be awesome.
Someone who has MR5 up and running please post a pic for us bored, anxious scavengers of Windows Mobile. Or shall I say Windows Phone? That is such an unattractive title to me. I really dont consider my TP a 'phone'. Its more like a PocketPC (duh!) first, PDA second and phone third. LOL.
...just wasting time waiting for the server to serve me.