Instructions on how to build a 6.5 theme: From
jonnrb of XDA
I haven't seen to many 6.5 themes and hoped this would get the ball rolling!!
A 'theme' cab is simply a .CAB renamed to .TSK.
1. Name your theme (use your name instead of the *)
2. Make your images according to the guidelines set. If you don't know what each image does, unpack some of the original shipped themes to get some ideas.
3. Make the TSK. Use WinCECabManager to edit my base for VGA (and then for QVGA) so that wherever a key says "REPLACEWITHNAME" in the Registry section, put in *. Name the TSK "* VGA.tsk" for VGA and "* QVGA.tsk" for QVGA
4. Add wallpapers. This is where you have to make separate images for VGA and QVGA. You need stwater_640_480.jpg, stwater_480_640.jpg, stwater_800_480.jpg, stwater_480_800.jpg for your VGA tsk and stwater_320_240.jpg, stwater_240_320.jpg, stwater_400_240.jpg, and stwater_240_400.jpg for your QVGA tsk. Make each image at the resolution given in its filename. Just drag and drop your files (these will be the backgrounds) into the Files section of each of your TSKs and put them in the Windows folder and then select Hard Code Path.
5. Save your TSKs and create a new CAB. This will be your theme installer.
6. Drag and drop all of your TSKs' theme elements and the TSKs themselves into the files section and put all of the files in /My Documents/Themes/*/ and select Hard Code Path.
7. Test your theme by installing it. Select your theme in the Today settings and check that all of your theme elements are displayed. If some aren't, make sure you have everything in the right path and at the right resolution (also check filename!). If you had to edit something, just recompile your theme and test again.
8. If your theme works, share it!
We all love a new theme in our midst
Make sure you take some screenshots (preferably of the Home Screen and the Dialer with the right soft-key pressed) with SPB Screenshot. Then add your screenshots to the PSD template that is provided in the first post of
this thread. You can also make your own template if you aren't as lazy as some people *cough*
Happy theming!!!!!!
*i'll also try to post any 6.5 themes i find as well*