Originally Posted by gxnext
Wich PP are you guys useing for this rom? I'm useing 50.81 only because its 1/4 of the phones ram, i notice the phone runs really fast with this PP but for example if i run google maps and run latitude it closes. i guess i have so many ppl on my latitude list that it gets unstable and just closes the app but with a lower PP 24 and lower it dosen't have this problem. also i noticed juicy will be useing the 16mbs as his defult PP for his next rom.....
I think im going to deal with the 50.81 for a while tho.... just to see if latitude is the only thing thats not compatible with that pp size.
Using 24mb PP with no problems. In fact, this release is blazing fast! I am guessing that Juicy wants to use the 16mb PP as the standard because 1) it works well, 2) it's compatibility with the gimped VZW TP phones.