Originally Posted by alex288
The ROM is great, but looks like RSS Hub isn't included.
Anyone know where I could get a CAB for RSS Hub? Or maybe could throw this in in the next verison of the ROM?
Only other suggestion I have which is maybe just personal preference, is I like the standard (boring) WM small volume popup rather than the full-screen HTC volume control. Just that if I hit the volume buttons by accident I have to wait around for the thing to time out and disappear, hitting the back button will not only get rid of the volume popup but also go back from whatever I was actually trying to do. Whereas the small WM popup you can just tap anywhere else and it goes away.
I thought I had RSS hub in there but I guess I don't lol. I'll make sure to put it in the next batch. I attached the cab for now tho.
With HTC volume all you have to do is click on the side and it disappears. I will be messing around with removing it and the HTC dialer tho over the the next few days tho and see what I can come up with. I just don't like the ring delay when the phone is locked.