04-19-2009, 10:21 PM
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Re: Personalize you operators (carrier) name - APP- FREE
Originally Posted by codyppc
New version 3.1. should work better for those who had problems
An app that allows you to change your operator (carriers) name. stays after a softreset. works on most htc devices, treos, and q's.
new version 3.1 EVERYONE that installed and earlier version should install this version over the other. much faster and stronger.
download here
post here... or there. i will try to support the app everywhere it is posted.
reply if you like it so i know if things like this are worth my time writing.
thanks, cody

 Thanks cody. Going to load it on my TP tomorrow. I have been playing with different things. Getting bored with manilla dl'd Spb 3.