Originally Posted by aceofspades923
I have seen a lot of people on here talking about checking out all of these rom's. I just downloaded Juicy 6, and want to move to Juicy 7 or maybe try out Mighty. I was wondering do you guys backup immediately before you switch to another rom? Wouldn't that mess up some things when restoring a backup from an old rom to a new rom?
Unrelated: if anyone knows why I can't connect to activesync after downloading juicy 6 (which means i can't go to another rom), please let me know.
what backup program are you using? i would suggest
PIMbackup 2.8 to backup all of your contacts messages, and all PIM data/
To install just extract the file and place it in your storage card! theres no cab to install this!
to fix activsync you need to uncheck Enable faster data sync on every rom you flash!
to do it go to
Start>Settings>connections>USB to PC> uncheck Enable faster data sync
if this doesnt help do a hard reset
also after every flash you do you need to hard reset!