Already full-flashed to Metro - how to enable GPS?
I bought the Sprint Touch, and paid the Metro folks to get it "full flashed" (with Internet, MMS and ESN added to Metro inventory) to MetroPCS (these guys do a side business of flashing Sprint/ VZW phones to Metro). The GPS still doesn't work - they said that they charge more money to do that and might involve installing another ROM, and it'll take more time (I thought they didn't know much more, and just might be reading this forum to know what they do).
The phone has the stock ROM (latest 3.03.651.4 provided by HTC with Win Mobile 6.1 with Radio version 3.42.30) - how can I enable the GPS? Will it involve a new ROM? If so, will it remove my metroPCS flashed settings?
Any help appreciated.
Last edited by anithinks; 04-19-2009 at 08:48 PM.
Reason: EDIT: Clarified it was a Sprint Touch.