Originally Posted by Bralgar
I see the problem here as people are wading through this large thread and knee jerking to the post they quoted, and not continuing to read through to see the problem has been resolved. People just need to learn to read through, that's what us lurkers do. lol
Agreed. the reason i don't post much is because i have read every single page/post since the release of 4.11 (at least 500 pages on this thread)
Now of corce i have a question about sd card flashing. take the .nbh file rename to RAPHIMG on ur card that is formated fat 32 (with a cluster of 32k) reboot the phone into bootloader mode. the card is 2 gb. the screen quickly flashes "no image found" phone is unlocked as dozens of flashes have happened on it - all through the pc - a first from the sd card. any tips - no pc present?