Originally Posted by daryelv
It uses os.nb.payload files. It handles them fairly automatically though, no need to port as it keeps copies of the different OEMXipKernels from different sys builds to use. This kitchen is really setup so that you can have multiple Sys folders, multiple XIPs, multiple languages, etc. I'm still learning it's capabilities and since I downloaded the kitchen Friday, there have been a couple of enhancements.
That's my problem... finding time. I've been playing with it tonight... I have it building 21210 and 21501 fully bootable ROMs no problem finally, but some of my Ext Packages aren't loading or they need to be in the OEM folder instead of Ext Packages. I'm slowly working through just the handful of Pacakges I use... I havn't even started to look at all the OEMs in Calc's kitchen.
how did you get the 21501 build to be fully bootable. when ever i cooked the .nbh it would never boot on my phone successfully. pm me if possible. thanx cuz da_g gave me some info but he doesnt have a cdma working one yet. thanx