Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M
Originally Posted by lordshadowz
Thank you Mod !
So with regards to the upcoming ROM... I tried Copper. At first I didnt like the Chome Titanium interface, but eventually it really grew on me. I really like the fact we will have the choice of using TF3D or Titanium. Would anyone know if Microsoft plans to make Titanium more customizable ? I was reading about all the hoops you have to go through to simply add a screen. That was my big beef with titanium. its not easy to customize it.
Also one thing I noticed also was HTC Addict's and Memmaid's memory reclaim programs did not work well at all on wm 6.5. I am going to message both software makers to see if they can work on newer versions that work the same as on 6.1.
i have to agree the 6.5 interface for me was meh .... but the more i used it the more i learn to love it