Originally Posted by fabioc
Have you tested the ROM on a Verizon TP? I installed Juicy's last night and I am having a lot of problems with low memory conditions.
I have tried PP 12MB and 16MB.
Please take good care of us poor VZW customers....
Agreed, Juicy's is too unstable for Verizon users even with 6 megs of pagepool. I've got programs failing to load on boot now it seems and I didn't even add anything. Here's hoping Mighty5 is better on the memory usage.
aaron130: I was referring to TF3D, I haven't tried TF3D2 yet. But in 6.5 the TF3D tab edit methods for 6.1 don't seem to work anymore. And I agree it sucks what Verizon did, but some of us had no choice to go with them. Sadly, I doubt a petition will make the slightest difference given they have Big Company Syndrome.