Originally Posted by rstoyguy
What are the program advantages.
Where can I find a .cab.
Not if it breaks my rom.
I'm not one that follows the crowd or installs stuff usually just because it's new. And I'm a salesperson by trade...So sell me. 
Funny, after he sells you can I can do the cross examine the witness. My findings with Ie6 are not good when we did the browser wars test. sure it renders pages like opera, but not nearly as fast, sometimes never at all. it also has a font issue that doesnt allow you to increase the font to a size easy enought to work with so you normally need a stylus to click on things. ie6 has promise but it's not even in the ballpark with Opera, or Opera mini, netfront, Iris, the list goes on and on. shoot I forgot to the let the witness speak first

Just my opinion though.
there is a app call IE toggler that allows you to switch from ie to pie. not sure if it would do the opposite but its worth trying. Here's further info on this: try it out coe03