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Old 04-18-2009, 01:21 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by rainabba View Post
Does anyone else "feel" like 21501 is less stable/more buggy than 21210?

More OEM incompatibilities than 21210?

Less smooth, or slower in Titanium and/or Start Menu compared to 21210?

I ask because I've got a Vogue running my custom rom based on 21210 and a Touch Pro running my custom rom based on 21501 (can't get it to build 21210 with the same selections), and my vogue is visibly faster, smoother, and less buggy. When I say visibly, I mean side-by-side and I know this just should be the case. My TP is a Sprint branded one (288MB RAM, 512MB ROM).

Please PM me if you believe you know some specific causes for this (it's hard to keep up with this thread). Maybe reply here and PM if you don't mind the double duty, just in case someone else needs the same info.
Originally Posted by joojoobee666 View Post
Is it me or does winmo 6.5 21501 memory leak like a sieve? (like the rest of the 6.5 builds) I rebooted yesterday morning with 27MB free (yes, I know...but that's the way this stupid Titan rolls...), now I'm at 17MB AFTER Oxios....WTF? That is just garbage.

Anyone else with a Titan seeing the same thing?
There is nothing special about 21501 except that it is newer and it is official.
However newer doesn't equal better, and official doesn't mean bug-free. The only thing 21501 satisfies is our crave for new builds, but we can't sacrifice functionality and stability for that.
My counsel:- roll back to the build that gave you more satisfaction. I have been running 21501 for over 24hrs now, am not sure I have observed memory leaks of the nature described above, but I have definitely observed it holds no egde over 21210 or 21500.
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