Originally Posted by KidGixxer
Tiermann I install "SlideSoundService.exe" into the windows folder. And "SlideSound.exe" and the wav files into "Program Files/SlideSound"
And when i run SlideSound.exe it doesn't see any wav files. I doesn't seem to see some of the first tier folder on the phone.
like windows folder or program files folder. but it see's all the first tier folder on the memory card.
I ask because i made it into a cab file. The cab installs the wav files and Slidesound.exe into /Program Files/SlideSound/ and SlideSoundService.exe into /windows/
And makes a shortcut to slidesound.exe.
When it install it only seems so see the mc wav files.
Yeah, sorry. It's a limitation of the .Net Framework's FileDialog. It won't let you look in certain folders like \Windows. I left the textbox writable though so you can type in any file, like \Windows\Alarm1.wav and hit set. SlideSound itself can use a wav from anywhere, just the file dialog can't see some places.
If you're using a cab file, you can set the default wavs in the registry too to make it easier.
"SlideIn"="\\Program Files\\SlideSound\\pop2.wav"
"SlideOut"="\\Program Files\\SlideSound\\pop1.wav"
Eventually I need to write my own file dialog for PPC, then I can throw it in all my apps instead of using MS's.