Originally Posted by indagroove
Looks good. Nice to see more 6.5 roms up these days.
The Getting Started tab isn't really new, it's just usually disabled. Chronic just included everything in the sys that was there, because he didn't have much time (we were setting up for a Pink Floyd laser show today). The sys may need to be cleaned up a bit..
Also, there's another tab that's usually disabled, that I've been enabling lately in ChronicROM -- windows live. You can do it in the chome registry. PM me if you want help.
LOL I was wondering about that.
Originally Posted by goldengraham
Hey ReeseBoy,
I'm very anxious to try out this ROM of yours. I'd imagine since you made a Sprint ROM separately that there are carrier customizations in the Altel ROM. I'm with Bell, could you make a ROM for us blue folks? Tho I haven't seen any Bell cooks in here at all, maybe I'll have to take up the trade. Does the Sprint version have carrier stuff? Maybe I could just run that...
I just got my Diamond yesterday... I have flashed 6 times already! WOO! I like this phone much better than my original touch, tho I have to say so far that it's a little bit slower.
I have Bell as a carrier option - I don't know how it will work but if you want to try it I'll make one for ya later today.
Originally Posted by kwattro76
Hey for those having issues with dialer interference issues just install advanced configuration and disable phone in there
Thanks for the info. I guess I should build that into the next one...