Thread: Beta rom
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Old 04-17-2009, 12:47 AM
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Re: Beta rom

Originally Posted by Solange82200 View Post
How funny, we are practically neighbors! I live in Pinecrest, and work in downtown Miami near AA Arena. Today I was driving home from work, I go through the grove instead of on US1, and I was trying to use Amaze (I think that is what it's called) but didnt pick up anything. But yesterday, I was using google maps on my way home, and it activated. After I got tired of Amaze today, I tried google maps, but no dice today.

Pdub, I actually had all my cabs saved onto an Sd card, so I just went ahead and redid everything manually. I didnt do a restore or anything. I may just try a hard reset tomorrow and see if it helps any.

Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions, regardless of the GPS issue I still love my phone
well the reason I asked you is because, I did the same and this could be a coincidence but it may be why our GPS refuses to work, most everyone that has restored their files and setting from a back up seem to have GPS working fine...

I found a way to look at the registry from my back up prior to the rom update but i'm still comparing things I will let u know if I find what differences (if any) are causing the GPS to not work...

I live in Miami as well I wonder if that might be doubt it though...
When ur Sidekick/Iphone can do this...Holla at me