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Old 04-16-2009, 11:10 PM
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Re: A challenge to all gurus: Help me keep my phone!


First of all I gotta say thx! I just spent the last two days reading this thread over the new thirty dollar book I just bought! Completly entertaining, thank you. I just wish I could have jumped on this thread while it was still hot. So sad I was just a couple days late.

I should mention that I am typing this now on my omnia as I am working north of Fort Mc Murry where my one week old omnia is the only internet I have. (on the tiny little keyboard with the pokey thingy) LOL!

As for you my friend cmass, or c bass (kick his *** c bass!) Please dont blame the omnia for your troubles, they did not quickly roll this phone off to try ang be the "iphone killer". This is Windows Mobile baby! The same it has been for the last few years. Not an ready-out-of-box device like the dare (wich i also have)

You really only just touched on what is known as tweaking. Dangerous and compulsulve behavior. Even if you did decide to stick with it, it never really ends. There will always be a new app or another tweak to test out. Just be glad you got out now before the words Helmi, bootloader and kitchen entered your vocabulary! (yes friends i know its early but tfe real fun is just about to start!)

So dont feel bad about turning it in. I did the same thing after my last WM device. But Im back (can already see the look on my wifes face at 4 am, " I will come to bed after just 1 more hard reset hun.")

I dont want to interupt this most entertaing thread i've ever read without leaving some type of knowlage. So for all you looking for expensive apps check out It is my first go to place looking for apps.

Other than the low batt. life and me not being content with any txt input system yet... ok.. AND no headphone jack, I do belive this phont is an iphone killer!

Thanks to you all for the years of support and modding fun.

(I would sign off as "i love you" but thats prett gay. (not that there is anything wrong with that.)

ps. How come when cbass asked for a hack to stop low batt. alert, he got one. When i was new the answer i got was "plug it in!"???!!

edit. I should note the the Telus version of the omnia came with with GPS unlocked. And yes it is real GPS.

Last edited by superlover911; 04-16-2009 at 11:21 PM.