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Old 04-16-2009, 07:56 PM
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Re: (April 13, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.2*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
I have experienced the custom wallpaper turning red screen issue b4 on other roms, but not on the 6.5roms with TP2 manila.
I used the wallpaper program and all was OK.

Then I tried to use the "internet sharing" and it didn't want to work.
A pop-up denying me access with some sprint error.
Maybe your version of internet sharing is different?
I even tried again after using my Sprint carrier cab, but didn't help.

Anyway I had to use internet sharing and resorted to flashing another rom for now, but I will be watching this thread, as I always liked your roms..

You know why its always good to check merdins Know issues section, because of this.

Know Issue:
in Windows Mobile Pro 4.2
To Disable Wordclock install this
Small error after reset, just hit ok its only small bug.
Fix for internet Sharing, Thanks for finding it rwcj63
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