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Old 04-16-2009, 02:26 PM
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Exclamation Internet Connection Sharing Problem...

apologize if this is not where this thread belongs, but I wasn,t sure where exactly I should put it. Anyway, I use the ics on my touch pro, and have been off and on for about a month, without issue. I used the registry editor and renamed the forcedcell value or whatever its called so i can do it without paying for phone as modem. Well, I had to hard reset my pro b/c it was having some issues, so i set it up again. I just renamed the forcecell item, and now it disconnects all the time, and its slower. i will be on for awhile and i'll get the error 67 registration error, have to disconnect from my laptop, reload the browser page on my phone, and connect again.

the only thing different from b4 is that this time, i read that i should also go to HKEY LOCAL MACHINE-Softwar-OEM-WModem and set all values to 0 ( check prfile (which is 0 by default), and multi-nai and wmodem dun, which are 1 by default). this is supposedly so sprint cant detect i'm using my phone as a modem.

i also installed wmwifi router, and it works, but also disconnects and reconnects a lot.

I'm not sure why it does this, any ideas?