Originally Posted by DarkManX4lf
I'm a little new to cooking any of my own roms, so bare with me. What I'm looking to do is add a few cabs that I normally install right after I flash a custom rom. How would I do that with your custom rom cooker?
Would I have to convert a cab to OEM ? Or is there an easier way ?
Also if I wanted to add TF3D2 is it the same thing to convert it to an OEM ?
here is a link to the tf3d2 oem i made ---->
unrar, drop it in the oem folder, chose it in build os, do not choose htc scroll and then remove the file HtcDrmApi.dll from the HTCShareDLL folder...
also do not choose sprint manila in build os
you can add .cabs manually by dropping them in the Config HTC-SPCS folder... then edit the config_ap file as so:
CAB: \windows\"cab file name here".CAB
make sure you choose autorun in build os