Originally Posted by Drybonz
Thanks... I'm glad you like it. I am going with the grey modified FingerKeyboard theme that is now pictured on the front page of this thread, as I find that it goes great with the rest of the theme. Sorry you don't like the grey arrows. There has been some talk about FingerKeyboard replacement skins recently in this thread... search it up.
Watzone has provided some great replacement skins for you.
You will find the new grey skin as the default in version 1.2. Don't forget to check out my changelog on the first page.
Thanks again!
*edit* Updated FAQ with a new question.
Wow! You're so quick to answer!
I have to wait longer when I call my phone's service provider!
Thanks for the link in your FAQ! I found what I needed.
Are you considering including the In call Recorder in a next version of your ROM?
Just wondering