This is a must.
Just make a \CABS folder on your SD card and start loading it up.
Then if you really start shaking, and loosing your mind every two days because you haven't flashed
You will want to try start playing with UC or Shashimi...Which installs all said cabs right after a flash, set's up your e-mail, restores your PIM.vol, etc.
After my Flash is done, my phone just works. It's awesome!
Then you don't worry so much when Juicy starts updating his ROM every other day, or KK comes out with a new one, then MIghty comes out and you want to check it out...
It's just bad...
Ooo, I think I'm starting to shake a little bit, I heard someone mention copper, I think I need to install that one today, leave Juicy 6 be for a day or two.