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Old 04-15-2009, 09:07 PM
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wILLk0r3 818
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Re: Scratched up TP!

Man, I remember when I dropped my first TP, WOWWWWW, I was triiiippin'! Considering the spill it took down a nice flight of rusted metal stairs at the beach, it stood up quite well. BUT I HATED MY TP after that. The chrome got really mashed on the top lip behind the speakerphone LOL and the screen had a couple nicks. It hit hit the first step, I think that's where the chrome damage happened, bounced down a couple steps, the battery cover flew off one direction and the battery flew off the other direction; they flew off the side of the staircase so I had to forage up each side to get my stuff. 3 people saw it happen and they just stood there with their jaws dropped. I ended up getting a warranty replacement cuz the screen had the oil slick.
Carrier/Device : Sprint/TouchPro
ROM : Silence X Rhodium 6.1 Ver. 6.3
Radio : Telus 1.04.05V
Location : SoCal 818 SFV
* ROM and Radio combinations change regularly *

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