Originally Posted by gimme5
ah...Winmo 6.5. hmmm... It looks like I'm gonna be running 090328H for a very long time...
Actually I'm going to say the opposite. I've been dying to get to a 6.5 ROM that works and doesn't have extra crap or inexcusable bugs. Starmans' rom seems nice, but each of the versions has a major bug which prevents me from switching. I used titanium for a little while and quickly fell in love with it. The option of both the WM6.5 home screen and TF3D would be fantastic, because I'm sure my mood will change and having both on the same ROM would allow me to keep everything the way it was.
I was thinking of flashing starmans' ROM but while waiting on the download, I saw Juicy's screenshot of 6.5. Hopefully this comes around soon.