Originally Posted by shaggylive
I noticed a slight increase in speed, but not much.
I really think what's making a difference for most is the "Time Stamp = off"
+1 to that
Originally Posted by knite
Geez, those of us in Chicago are really getting shafted on our EVDO speeds. I get a consistent 400-500 kbps.
The other thing that made the biggest difference to me (ON SPRINT) was this little check box:
-Next-Next-AdvancedThen uncheck IPheader compression.
Thats the other biggest thing that almost tripled my speeds in 1-2 service-bar-areas and got me above the 700kbps during the daytime.
Note/thoughts: I'm in NewEngland and, as we know with how the different radios work better or worsein different parts of the country, I think some of our networks may have different options enabled in different places as well as different towers with different upgrades ie. city vs suburban. Just a guess. Please don't quote me on that, hehe.
All I do know is that this phone is wicked fast and these help me actually proove it.
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