I couldn't fins what I was looking for so I thought I'd ask here.
Does anyone use an internet based sms service that can text over seas (UK) from your browser on your phone?
I have a Sprint touch and every month I use only 10% of my mins, 10% of my texts but plenty of data (as it's unlimited).
My problem is my friends back in the UK keep texting me like they used to, one or two word texts, then another, just like threaded texting and mobile companies want you to...
Problem is it costs me $0.20 to receive each one!
I'm spending $10 - 15 a month on top of my contract on receiving texts and sending the odd one back
What I need is a service or program that uses my data plan to send & receive texts...?
I don't have a UK cell phone anymore so I can't use some of the web based ones, as you need a valid mobile number for the other person to reply to (receiving sms is free on all networks in UK).
Any one any ideas PLEASE