Re: Copper v. [6.5.21500 Build 21500] [16MBPP] [UC Compatible]
i think that this PM would be helpful to everyone, so i'll post it here:
Originally Posted by MiltonPro
Ok so I got the files on to my registry. what do I need to do next to transfer my info.
make sure that chome is disabled, then navigate to the two registry keys (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CSpeedDial and HKLM\Security\CHome\Default Settings\CSpeedDial).... in them, you'll find Page1 Page2, etc... each one of those will be a different contact.
to change the number, change the ACTIONURL, SK2URL, and TEXT2 strings to the phone number you want it to be.
to change the name, change the TEXT1 string to the name.
to change the picture, you need to make a small square PNG picture and put it on your main memory. then edit the PICTURES string to the directory and picture name of the file
Last edited by strra; 04-14-2009 at 11:03 PM.