Originally Posted by MiltonPro
Say that a little more clearer.. I am defiantely interested.
How exactly can we do this.
well, i can export the two CHome registry directories to *.reg files.
this way, you install
Titanium Weather v3a.
then (assuming you have a
Registry Editor installed) you just have to import the two *.reg files and they will automatically be added to the registry.
the two panels will be added to your CHome, but you'll have to navigate to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CSpeedDial and HKLM\Security\CHome\Default Settings\CSpeedDial to change them to your own contacts (there's also a way of doing it that involves switching out GUIDs if you're not completely confident with editing the registry)
for the launcher, just run
CHome Configurator and edit CLinks in there...
give me a few minutes and i'll post the reg files if you want to try