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Old 04-14-2009, 09:21 PM
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Talking Re: Copper v. [6.5.21500 Build 21500] [16MBPP] [UC Compatible]

Man that looks awesome.. I wanted to do that as soon as Hafrust posted his thread. I just been lazy and its definately not as easy as it looks. At least to me.
But looking at a dialer and having Opera as the default browser on the launcher.

That is pretty. I guess I was waiting for someone to design a cab to have it put in and enable all those tweaking options.

I think I will do it on my day off tomorrow......

**Hafrust I will need your support incase I run into a snag. Hope you are around tomorrow.. Man that looks awesome.. By far the best tweak available for copper(wm6.5)

**Edit, just try to do it, and I get stuck after downloading of cabs and truning off Titanium. Read the instructions, but dont know which option to get into of the 3 choices..
Man I have burned to many brain cells...

Last edited by MiltonPro; 04-14-2009 at 09:48 PM.
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