Originally Posted by scrosler
Why did VZW do this? Because they can. They dont care about useability. Its all bottom line. The bottom line in this case is 256 megs of RAM Cost more than 128 so they used 128 and charged even more for the phone!!!!!!!
I left them for this reason. They did the same **** with the diamond. I hope they burn in hell for what they do.... Im not joking. This is an emotional topic for me.
I just left VZW for this andf got a sprint diamond. As soon as I saw VZW was crippling yet anotyher phone I said I can tsupport them any more.
They ONLY WAY THEY WILL STOP DOING THIS is if you stop being there customer.
Dont complain, make a move. Kiss them goodby. SO mach happier with Sprint now.
But I kept my phone and keep the ROM"s and kitchen currnet ;c)
I can't go into much detail, because it will be a conflict of interest for me, and I like having my rent paid on time...LOL....
VZW's policies for phones vs. PDA's are very different. I can honestly say that with some phones they are really limiting the potential. Not so with the touch pro. The touch pro was designed to be the "everything" of phones. If you look at the VZW lineup, typically the monster phone is the HTC XV series.
What happened last year, was the herald of the blackberry storm. Verizon chose the HTC Touch Pro first. It was one of the earlier builds that HTC brought to VZW. After that, when they went to Alltel, AT&T, and Sprint the design started to change. That is why the verizon version looks so different and has different specifications. And there was no way they could have gotten the Touch Pro ready in time to offer with the slew of PDA's in december if they changed the midway through.
But there is a rumor brewing that we will get the Rhodium first in October. Possibly with a 3 month or 6 month exclusivity. but I was told that I will definitely be surprised if we get it, with the specifications that will be on it. (For example aGPS unlocked right out of box, to name a few).