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Old 04-14-2009, 08:08 PM
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Re: Scratched up TP!

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
I was talking to the wife and went to hang up. Stupid me went to use my left thumb to hang it up and dropped it on my glass front porch table and scratched up my chrome screen protector (have five more) and put a small knick in the chrome.....What should I ever do?!? Should I lose my phone and get an assurion replacement?!? Or better yet....Maybe if I flash a new rom, it will magically repair itself! I'm so bummed. snif.....

Really, I did put a f'n knick in it but I had a bad day and felt like getting a rise out of ya'll......let the flamming begin!!!! WOOOOOOOO
if it wasn't on the screen itself, it wouldn't bother me toooooo much... not enough to spend the $50 deductable to get a new one from asurion at least
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