Originally Posted by Juicy47
I'm being lazy here... is there a way for UC to remove a read only property? Also is there a way for UC to delete files?
the only way that i know how to do this is through mortscript...ive had to do this for files that i want to get rid of...here is the command prompt:
just change the path to whatever you need to change attributes on...install mortscipt cab on device and run during UC start up or anytime...hope this helps
SetFileAttribute("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\icon.lnk", "hidden", FALSE)
SetFileAttribute("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\icon.lnk", "readonly", FALSE)
SetFileAttribute("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\icon.lnk", "system", FALSE)
SetFileAttribute("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\icon.lnk", "archive", FALSE)