Originally Posted by rwcj63
if he's talking about the same situation that i always have, i'm thinking that perhaps you do have a bug in your rom? i was thinking that the arcsoft sprint cab floating around here was because you set the rom up to need it. now i'm not sure. i know it's been talked about quite abit. i also know that whether right, wrong on indifferent, no matter what version of your rom i install, i have to also install that arcsoft sprint cab to make the picture mail work. once i do that, everything is golden as far as picturemail goes.
i have added to file i'm using to my posting here (even though it's been posted many times before) so you can see what file i have been using.
There's a newer version of arcsoft for sprint (supports threaded mms) in the thread I referred to, but not all of merdin's rom users will be sprint so this really only affects the sprint users. I don't know what verizon etc. needs to make theirs work or what other cooks do for mms.