Originally Posted by Reef48
Liking it so for Bonz! Curious why icontact is included?
Good question!
I use iContact and have it mapped to my right home screen soft key. I have it set to open in my favorites tab so that I can use it as a speed dial. I also eliminate the People tab in TouchFlo altogether, and I find the Rhodium contacts system slow and clunky.
So... bottom line... it is a personal preference to use iContact. The version I have included is Avian Edition (formerly Burt's Edition with a new author) and it is being actively developed, and doesn't take up much storage space.
Also, there are lots of skinning possibilities with this app, which is always nice, as you know from your work on FingerKeyboard, I'm sure. In fact, I forgot to cook in the default VGA skin into the rom, but I will include it later. It's the one I use as it has a nice minimal look, but I am on the lookout for a better one. I like apps that are highly customizable.
*edit* Also, Reef, I may set myself up for Facebook and include the actual Facebook app in a future version. I am on MySpace now, but everything seems to be going to Facebook. I will probably have the FM radio back in the next version. I don't really use it much though, as I prefer to stream music over Orb (check out Kinoma player).