Sadly, you can very easily make your own WM6 roms with information that is here in the forums. I realize that it is not the easiest thing to do, but it is possible. That said, we are working on Helmi's time schedule. I could put out a kitchen in a day or two, but that would not be respectful to Helmi and his wishes/work. So, we wait.
Now, WM6 will take quite a while to get a kitchen that everyone will be happy with. As we have seen, there are quite a few bugs and issues with the release rom that will take time to work through. As a reference, with the Bell 3.3(ish) kitchen, it took a couple weeks. And, this was a rom that was designed for the Apache. So I would say that if you really "need" a custom WM6 rom, come find me and I will point you in the right direction as to making your own with the "old, manual method". Or, have some patience and wait for a good product. Last I checked, our pay stubs from kitchen development was lacking in hours paid

(Edit: Sorry, didn't mean to sound bitchy).