Originally Posted by beng2k
ive been having the sameproblem. one day after flashing it became terribly unresposnive, wouldnt do anything and would take forever to load tf3d. flashed the shipped telus rom twice to no resolve.
telus claims my phone was watered damagaed, but it hass never seenwater. my assumption is perhaps i washed my hands and held it since it is so close to the edge.
So its either spend 500 for a new diamond from telus, take a touch dual for free, or 600 to get out of my contract.
Uhg, I hate Telus. When my Diamond bugged out, it literally took about 2 months to get another phone, and they only offered to give me a loaner phone the last week before we got the Diamond. They told us that it was only going to take a week, fail.
They're probably lying
...kidding, but try a different store. Sometimes you get some lazy people