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Old 04-14-2009, 12:45 AM
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Re: Any news on the Touch Pro 2 coming to USA?

Touch Pro 2 > Palm pre..

This coming from a guy that only got a Touch Pro to get him by until a Palm Pre came out.

One thing I will say though. These HTC phones seem to be low on quality. My camera phone on my LG Muziq was a 1.3mpix and it took better photo's. Plus my Mogul crashed all the time. So far its been smooth with my TP but I have only had it for about a week. The TP takes crapy pictues though and the lage between the press of the button and the actualy photo snap is horribly long and boring. Other then that no complaints. I really do like the features. Turn it over for speaker phone turn it over to mute. Pull stylus out it turns on. Some of the photo options are great. I like the ruberized back, there is a lot I like about this phone. A lot more likes then dislikes anyway. I am new to the windows mobile comunity though so my opinion is weak.

I was realy hyped about the Palm pre it made me want a keyboard phone lol. I got the TP just to hold me off. Funny thing is though I think I might like the TP2 better then the Pre. Also the keyboard on the TP2 looks amazing. The keyboard on the Pre is probably going to be more cramped the the TP.

I am going to play lots with both but one of them might be my next phone.
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