Originally Posted by RonaldReagan
I flashed ROMs this weekend to try something new and the diamond is a lot more responsive. I went from the Groove 4 rom WM6.1 w/TF3D to the groove 4 WM6.5. At first it hardly worked, I would move through programs and it would freeze after a minute of use. Here's were I think i solved my problem......
I flashed back to the stock ROM then flashed to the same WM6.5 ROM that hardly worked. Now WM6.5 works better than ony of the other reportedly more stable ROMs......
Something happened by flashing to stock prior to a new ROM, not sure what, but it made a huge difference...
So, the short of it... If you flash ROMs a lot and your Diamond seems unstable, flash back to the stock ROM prior to flashing to your ROM of choice. This really made a difference for me.
Thanks again to all that commented, and I hope this helps some one.
Yea, flashing shipped before each flash seems to be a great idea that most Chefs recommend. Seems to iron out any bugs between your new ROM and any previous Custom ROMs.