Wow. Misery loves company, so.... Nice to see you all here!!
I was running HTC home, WP, and windows live most recently. I usually run more stuff, but just hadn't gotten around to setting anything up. This time around, I'm just running HTC home and WP for a while, then I might try just WP.
I like the suggestion of the power issue. It was definitely low last night, and I forgot to plug it in, but I did still have the green led blinking so it wasn't totally gone. What happens when it gets that low, does it just die? I guess I've never actually seen what it does, but I always assumed it would shut down like a laptop does when the battery gets to a certain point. I wonder if there is a program that would do this?
EDIT: forgot to mention, i am using the latest wp download with the server fix, and it is/was installed to main memory