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Old 04-13-2009, 04:04 PM
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Re: WinMobi 6.5 Copper v. Post All Cabs

Originally Posted by bayushikitsune View Post
There is a whole bunch of post in the Mighty Mike & Juicy collaboration, get it HERE. This is an awesome ROM best ever. Can't wait until the individual roms come out for each of these great cooks. Now seeing that thread will possible hit a million post, I decided to create this post only dedicated for .cabs for the new 6.5 or old ones that still work and fix the problems that we have right now. Below are a couple of cabs that I have pulled from the main thread or from other websites that Geeks are being directed to.

First of course are you typical configuration tool:

Advance Config
Total Commander

To lock your device when it goes to sleep:
Device Lock (this one has been posted at least 100 times )

You Tube for those that love to get their seven chuckles in LMAO

Different Themes/Skins: I have the .cabs from the website but link is there for the screen shots.

The original post for the Titanium themes is HERE. Wont post the .cabs below just follow the link.

Start Menu:

For the start menu theme and the Honeycomb look check here for it.
To rearrange your icons in the start menu here are some simple instructions originally posted by MiltonPro:

Start icon organization: click Start, simply press and hold an icon for 3 seconds, it gives you an option to move it to the top of the screen. You now have the option of selecting all the programs you use the most to become visible. Now if you need a setting icon like "remove programs"; click on start/settings/system and again hold that respective icon for 3 seconds and it sets a copy of that icon to the start page. Also leaving the original icon where it was. To delete an icon from the start page that is not originally found on it, again click and hold for "move down option" to place to its original place.

The cab to edit your home screen is HERE.

For the Extended Weather it is on the above posted link or you can click HERE for the cab.


Data Connection Stays On:
1. Install Advance Config
2. There is an option under Menu-->More Settings-->Connections-->Choose data then check disconnect after (your choice) 1 Min is the best option I think personally.

I will continue to check the main thread for other cabs come out that will help my fellow GEEKS.

***If a thread like this has already been started please disregard. I couldn't find one so I started this one ****
This is great work, if i were you i wold add on some dialers that work with this rom. Alot of people have asked about different dialers since the stock one sucks. i would make a link to some custom dialers.
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