Originally Posted by garlic
Thanks CyberMonkey... but I am kind of confused about the whole is-it-legal-to-tether debate. My 800w came with a little brochure called "Experience SprintSpeed," in which one section is called "Phone as Modem," and it shows you how to use the Internet Sharing application, which comes pre-installed on the phone to - and I quote from the brochure - "Use your device's SprintSpeed rated data connection as a modem for your computer." Is this DIFFERENT from tethering? I thought they were the same thing. If they're the same thing, what's the problem? It seems like Sprint WANTS us to our phones (well, the 800w at the least) as modems.
It is the same thing....but if you talk to most people they will say "Sprint will turn off your service if you don't have the 'Phone as Modem' added to you plan"...while other will tell you "As long as you don't abuse it, like HEAVY transfer amounts, like DLing large 2 gig files all the time, it's all cool".
Me personally, I don't have the phone as modem plan, and the only time I use my phone as a modem is if there is something I need to use my PC to check on the net for something and the cable internet goes out for some reason.....I don't use it often or much transfer amounts, and my service has never been turned off......