Originally Posted by brol1k
Hey whats up guru...thats for your hard work on the new sys...now im getting an error when building, and it happens right after extracting:\PPCKitchen_OEM_VGA.rar..and ive attached a screenshot of the error and the build log. Also I didnt check on any custom taskbar of any sort.
You selected Rhodium Manila, which is one of the packages in PPCkitchen_OEM_VGA.rar that uses notify.dll.0409.mui. The others are Notification_Enhancement, TaskbarIcons_tsowen 5 v1.6, and TaskbarIcons_tsowen blue. I had to build without any of these to get past this error.
Even with that, I was able to get through the first boot with screen alignment and customizations, but after the reboot it hangs on the first boot screen.