Originally Posted by HybriDSM
Wow - thanks so much for this app. I was so bummed out that lazyboy's wa2/WAD setup just made the phone way too unstable. But this has been my saving grace. I have stumbled upon a few questions that perhaps you could be so gracious to help me with.
1. I am trying to link one of the buttons to run the ReclaimRAM program that comes with Memmaid. I'm at my wit's end as to how I can link to it. It doesn't show up in the configuator as an option, and when I link to it manually in the .txt file it still says Link no found.
2. I'd like to try and set up a couple of the buttons to open web pages directly: Orb and Youtube namely. I know this was do-able in Lazyboy's version, wondering if that applied here as well.
Thanks so much for all you've done. and for tirelessly answering our questions and helping us out.
1. i am familiar with the app but unsure how to link it... my only thought would be to find the exe or lnk file that memaid installs... i assume that it would be \program files\reclaimram.exe but i dont have memaid installed right now bc i hard reset last night... if you cant get it let me know and ill put it back on my phone and see if i cant get it
2. heres what you ened to do to link straight to a website...
on you PC open a txt file in notepad and copy this exact thing in there
then once thats done save it to your desktop and then rename it to youtube.lnk
copy that to your device and link the button of your choice to that.
same goes for orb but change the link to this