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Old 04-13-2009, 09:46 AM
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Re: Copper v. [6.5.21500 Build 21500] [16MBPP] [UC Compatible]

Originally Posted by ou2mame View Post
i have a few questions....

how about the htc volume and notification manager cabs?
and either reorganizing, and/or completely removing certain tabs on the gui, such as music and windows live...
and alphabetizing the "start menu" icons... they seem to just be in the order of installed, which is completely impossible to navigate. umm...

and yeah, something weird is happening with resco file explorer, i dunno about anyone else, i'm just curious if anyone has experienced this. in tree mode, i can't finger scroll, i have to use the scroll bar, and to select a folder, i have to double tap, regardless of the setting
for icon organization, click Start, simply press and hold an icon for 3 seconds, it gives you an option to move it to the top of the screen. You now have the option of selecting all the programs you use the most to become visible. Now if you need a setting icon like "remove programs"; click on start/settings/system and again hold that respective icon for 3 seconds and it sets a copy of that icon to the start page. Also leaving the original icon where it was. To delete an icon from the start page that is not originally found on it, again click and hold for "move down option" to place to its original place.

You can edit your home screen with: lpaso TitaniumCustomizer.CAB

If you miss manilla functions that much, read through the posts again to get the cabs for that, there's a few that are floating around on this thread...

Last edited by MiltonPro; 04-13-2009 at 09:50 AM.
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