Just flashed about a week ago to your ROM and I have to say that I really like it so far. I haven't jumped to 1.5 yet because I just haven't had the time to reconfigure (yes, I use Sashimi but there are still things that need to be manually set up following a flash). Speed is great and the new Rhodium works great on here. Once it gets past the 45 seconds or so after a soft reset, things just fly on here. INTX, thanks for a great ROM.
On the other note about included apps, having been a longtime user of first Juicy and then Mighty ROMs I prefer the fact that this ROM is kept LIGHT. I have the cabs for all of the software that I use and hope that you keep the extra stuff OFF of the core ROM and let us install extra software for ourselves. Great job INTX, keep up the great job. Hopefully, you have an equipment protection plan on your diamond so, if it breaks, they will replace it with ANOTHER DIAMOND. Too many good chefs jumping ship for our phone's chunkier younger sister. (not fat, just big boned