Hey, thanks to all who helped, although I am unsure if you understand my issue, or maybe you understand it too well and i havent understood it fully yet haha. Ok so when I use my windows button and bring up my start menu I do NOT have a duplicate there I have only 1 Inbox icon and 1 Messaging icon. However if I go into the settings on what I want to have in my start menu (Start>Settings>Personal Tab>Menus) I have dupicate check box entries for my 'Inbox' which is now MMS and Email, and I have a duplicate check box entry for 'Messaging'. If this is still what you meant by having room in my start menu then I need to go back and read further if not, could someone advise? I don't mean to sound like a d*** I am just not sure I fully described my issue in the first post. Thanks again for the quick replies to my initial response!