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Old 04-12-2009, 10:31 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by parkjam View Post
Titanium is just a built in plug-in in 6.5, by adding manila, it just gives people the choice as to which plug-in to use. Simple matter of going into today settings and checking one or the other. I have recently been playing with second today on copper and doing both at once, hasn't really made a difference. Titanium has a rather small memory footprint it seems
I love both, but they both have their ups and downs. It really just matters on your own personal preferences. Titanium is amazing in it's simplicity and amount of information it puts out one swipe away, while manila is definitely the more in-depth and comprehensive way to go (strangely, for the first time in my life, I have found a winmo interface element on par with manila. Even the new start menu is pretty slick). I've found that if you can deal with interacting alot with the basic winmo ui and guts Titanium should be perfect for you, though after a while it can get really frustrating sometimes the way it interacts. REALLY FRUSTRATING (/hint @ microsoft). I mean, If you miss a call you either have to bring up the notification or call the person back from the titanium screen. Or you can go through this overly long process of going to the start menu and so on. As a matter of fact, the way Titanium handles all notifications bugs the hell out of me. It should be like in manila where you just have to read it, instead of actually opening the text/email/phone call/whatever.

What was I talking about again?